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Some days it’s hard to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Or even to realise that you are in the tunnel to start with. I’ve written before about the flooding that hit the Calder Valley on Boxing Day last year. It took the community quite a while to find our feet again even though lots of practical help was on offer. Being plunged into the darkness (literally for a lot of us as the electricity was out for three days) of devastation on a large scale was disorienting. Now as the Valley rebuilds we are finally noticing the light at the end of this particular tunnel. So much so that we are having an alternative Christmas Day on 25th of June to celebrate our recovery and thank all the people who helped in any way.
We are not the only place to have dealt with extreme weather over the last six months. I am sure that the extremes will continue until we adapt our ways of working in partnership with Mother Earth. There is a big challenge facing all of us. We have to find different ways to generate the power we need, to build the shelters we need and to feed ourselves. Yet a massive part of our energy is put into aggression towards one another – into war. Weapons that could be food or shelter instead. Money spent in bomb shelters and defensive fortifications when people live in slums and shanty towns. We are still in the darkness. We may have talked about the tunnel but not all of us recognise we are in it. And there is very little said or done to help us find the light at the end of it.
When I hear about the natural and man made disasters that flow through the evening news I look for the light. What are these events about? Where is the positive news? The reports focus on the pain not the courage. Why is that? It’s a debate I’ve had with my Guides over and over. We give our attention to our fears they reply. We focus on the low energy emotions and thoughts. We forget to look for the tunnel. We ignore the light. We stay stuck in the misery so the same things have to happen time and time again. Each one bigger, worse, more challenging. Until we decide to come out of the tunnel into the Light. When we recognise that we are all the same. We are all humans. When we take responsibility for ourselves. When we recognise that we share the Earth between us and that no one has any greater claim to it than anyone else. When we understand that we own nothing. When we learn that we can take nothing with us from this world into the next. When we reject all man made religion and replace it with love and compassion.
It’s a big ask. It means we have to grow up and stand up for love and compassion. Not by more violence and aggression but by behaving the way we would wish to be treated. We have to help each other notice the darkness, realise the tunnel that we are trapped in and turn towards the light at the end of it. I am sending out healing thoughts to all affected by violence and aggression today. I’m also asking the Universe to bring an end to the conditions that create in people the urge for violence towards others. I know it’s going to be a big ask but I trust that if enough of us are sending out that request the Light of a peaceful world will eventually dawn on all of us. Please join me ?????? so that one day we may all celebrate as one.
Day 211 of my blogging challenge.
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