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Sleep! Where did it go last night? I went to sleep & a couple of hours later pinged awake. Then stayed awake. I fell back asleep in the early hours but had to get up after another couple of hours. Sometimes I’m woken up by Spirits popping in to chat. I’m grumpy when I get woken that way so tend to send them away with a sharp request that they come back when it’s my daytime. Yet last night it wasn’t the Spirit World. When I did sleep I dreamed some uncomfortable dreams too.
I try to notice my dreams. It’s often another way for the Energy Beings to communicate with us or for our own Spirit to bring info into our conscious mind. Vivid dreams that stay with us (at least for a few moments after we wake) are worth writing down as often they are part of a sequence. Recording as much as I can about them & looking for patterns can help me work out things that are blocking me, my communication or other issues I need to pay attention to. So having dreams last night containing fear, anxiety & confusion might be about issues I have been dealing with over the past few weeks or months. They might be highlighting where I am holding on to stuck energy.
As I sat at my desk sorting out personal paperwork, ticking away in the back of my mind were snippets from the dreams. I have practiced lucid dreaming for many years. This is when the dreamer is aware that they are in a dream state & can take control of the dream to understand it better or even to stop the dream in it’s tracks. One of the aspects of the dreams was the lower energy vibration of what was occurring – my vivid dreams are usually messages from Guides & loved ones so these were very different. That’s not to say I never have bad dreams – I do. However when I feel that the dream is connected to low or negative energy I opt out of it (especially when I am aware that what is being experienced isn’t my feelings).
It also seemed to me that time was scrambled in my dreams. It might sound a bit odd to say that but dreams usually flow from one sequence to another. The imagery fits together in some creative, abstract way but makes sense of some sort. The dreams from last night didn’t flow or make sense. In the last dream I distinctly remember saying that the energy was scrambled & it couldn’t be the time flow that was being suggested. Thinking about the way I approach dream interpretation – to examine each layer of the dream & it’s symbols – I recognised that my usual way of finding the meanings of the dreams might not work quite as well.
I had posted on Facebook that I was in the wide awake club again & got some comment from others who had struggled to sleep last night. Then I got several requests for dream explanations from people who know I interpret dreams. It seemed I wasn’t the only one having the same experience. Any repetition of a pattern is interesting to me. I believe we all swim in the same energy ocean (see my blog post for Day 14). I also believe that we share not only a collective unconscious, as originally described by Carl Jung, but also a collective psychic energy. In other words we have a network of energy connections (a psychic internet if you like) that transfer the energy flow between us all. If that is the case, shared wakefulness & dreaming makes perfect sense.
So what was everyone dreaming? Energy flows. Only our physical body is static, fixed energy. In the flow of energy we can also pick up on a leading edge of the next energy wave. Often we only tune in to the info from the wave that relates to ourselves. However, if there are larger energy waves coming in, many more of us will receive information that is relevant to many more people. The dreams help us get ready for the wave of emotion that is due to hit next. Remember that the world is bathed in fear & anxiety at the moment. Our expectations of a perfect holiday season are turned to their highest level (created by advertisements, social conditioning & our own fear of failure or loneliness) producing a lot more stress, fear & anxiety. Added to that is the energy arising from the places in the world where violence & aggression have reached a level that people are experiencing war. And it is very much suggested that more of us should be involved in the violence.
These jumbled up, anxiety provoking dreams are telling us to think very carefully about our own energy. I feel we are being asked by our Guides (& we all have lots of Guides) to hold steady with our flow of positive energy. To keep ourselves in a positive frame of mind & feeling. That way we will counteract the low energy wave with a high energy wave. A positive flow happens when you love yourself as a Spirit in a clay overcoat. When you also love everyone else as a Spirit in a clay overcoat. When you respect the precious gift of all life on this planet. We can have a positive wave without needing perfect unconditional love. More love of any kind will make a huge difference to all of us. So start now, in this moment, give yourself the gift of love & recognise that you are also giving that gift of love to the whole world.
Lol, not bad for 4 hours sleep. I love myself for writing this blog!
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