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Some days it’s the little niggles that capture my attention. Small irritations that catch on the smooth flow of my day. Strands of energy that stir up uncomfortable feelings or take my focus away from enjoying the positives in the day. It’s like these minor niggles have a way of turning my heart upside down to drag my mood into a lower state. It’s been a challenge to come back from a very clear energy space, no phones, no wifi and almost no people, on the far edge of the hectic world, to a busy life again. Yesterday was a long day and so was today. I love my work yet the change in energy flow has been very distinct.
Today one or two minor things happened that were definitely niggles. I immediately wished I could be back on the beach in Scotland. Then I felt irritated that people were being niggly. And finally I felt niggly myself. When the power cut at 3.51 am started a shop alarm nearby which woke me up I realised that I hadn’t had a full night of sleep back home. Away from the world I slept through undisturbed. I felt cross that I live in a world where the owners of the alarms are sleeping far away from the noise they create. At 6am the intercom system for the flats across from me started blaring a recorded message at full volume because the owner of the flat hadn’t answered the push of the button. Another niggle to get me wondering why the management company of the building had set the system so the whole of the street could hear the recording. Oh, yes, they don’t live nearby either. I know that in a few days I will have adjusted to the noise levels again but it did make me wonder why we have to become deaf to so much disruption when a bit of consideration would go a long way.
Another couple of things cropped up in the day to keep my niggly head firmly in place, lol. I decided it was time to step off the world for a bit so I went to sit quietly in the Centre. Letting myself recognise just how much irritation I was feeling over very unimportant things I wondered why I was so bothered. Of course several nights of disrupted sleep don’t help. Nor that I had been off on a week of doing exactly what I chose for myself. Stepping out of responsibilities for a while is great. What it had also allowed me to do was reflect on those responsibilities. Which ones were really mine? Why? What was the purpose of any of my responsibilities? We can make taking responsibility so much of a habit that we take on our own, theirs and anybody’s. A sobering thought really.
I also thought about what my intuition was trying to tell me. Niggles can be a way for our subconscious to bring stuff up for us to consider. So am I living in the wrong place? Do I need to invest in earplugs? Are there some things I need to stop doing? What do I need to pay attention to in other people? I feel that niggles can be a positive prompt, if we notice and examine them, for us to look around us with a fresh pair of eyes. Life is never set in concrete. We have to be flexible and ready for changes. Perhaps my niggles were the way my intuition chose to remind me to be flexible. Or to be ready for changes. Or to get a clear focus on the priorities in my life so I can put my efforts and energies into the actions that I will find most rewarding. And at the appropriate time perhaps my niggles will be the call to action that I need so I can send out new wishes and desires. I hope your niggles can help you too.
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