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The theme today has been healing! Myself included. I try to start every day with a Reiki meditation so that I can put myself in as much positive energy as possible. I love being a Reiki Master/Teacher though I fell into it, or better still, my Guides prodded me into practicing Reiki. They worked very hard to get a message to me to do Reiki attunements & then made sure the right people were around to keep me on the Reiki path. I actually did my attunements over a number of years, being nudged every now & again when it was time to move up to the next level. Being able to self heal at any time I needed energy support has been a constant benefit of the attunements.
I also enjoy that every time I do a Reiki healing with my Reiki Guides I have another blast of healing energy too. The Universal energy is there for all who are willing to receive it & we can have as much as we wish. Over the years Reiki has been one of the ways in which I protect myself from any low level energy I’ve been exposed to or taken into my aura. It’s also been a way of raising my own energy vibration so I can make stronger connections with the Spirits & other Energy Beings. One of the things that helps communication is a clear aura full of positive energy.
As I’ve learned about the world as an energy world rather than a physical world I have wondered so often why what I know isn’t common knowledge. We have some sayings that explain how the energy world works e.g. what you give out you get back, what goes around comes around, karma comes back. Yet we often choose to ignore what these saying are actually telling us. My Guides explain it this way: Imagine you are a wonderful coral on the Great Barrier Reef, being fed & nourished by the water that flows all around & through you. If you are in pure, clean, happy water you will grow strong, thrive & blossom. If you are in polluted, unhappy, dirty water you will starve, fall ill &, eventually, die. Which would you rather be?
We are physical only on one level. At another level we are aura + physical energy. Our feelings & thoughts are also energy. We ‘swim’ in a great big energy ocean along with everything & everyone else (including the animal kingdom & the planets). As we swim along we are giving off the energy of our feelings & thought – not the ones we would like people to think we have (the masks we wear to hide our true selves like the shell of an oyster). Our true energy is going into the energy ocean. So are the energy feelings & thoughts of all the other swimmers around us. If our shell isn’t strong enough their energy mixes with ours. We get whatever their true energy signals are. We also get caught up in the tides of huge energy outpourings. For example, if enough people are worried, stressed & anxious about money guess what kind of energy tidal wave we will be bathed in. Or even a tsunami of feeling & thoughts.
Keeping our own energy clear & clean within a good strong shell will benefit everyone. First because we aren’t sending out low vibrational feelings & thoughts. Second because we can choose to send out positive vibes into the energy ocean so that others experience the positive flow rather than a negative one. Keeping positive doesn’t mean that we can’t feel anger, grief, fear, depression. These are all human emotions & everyone experiences them at one time or another. Remember – we are not looking at the masks we wear – we are awake to the true energy signals we transmit. We can recognise the benefit of these emotions & thought and learn to let them wash over us; rather than become a hard build-up of stuck energy requiring a lot of healing energy to shift. We can also remind ourselves that we can choose what to focus on in our lives – the ups instead of the downs – so that as much as possible what we add to this ocean of energy is for the good of all.
And the best reason of all to be in a positive ocean? If enough low vibration energy gets stuck in the aura it manifests in the physical body as dis-ease. Once our physical body is affected it becomes much hard to heal oneself. So back to my Reiki meditation – I want a clear, deep blue ocean to swim in. To make sure I have that I clean & heal my aura every day. Remember, what you give out you get back. Is it time for you to start healing yourself?
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