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After a busy few days it’s been lovely to spend some quieter time at my Centre. It’s been nearly two years since I took on the challenge of making what I do more accessible to people. I forget sometimes why I started the drop in sessions so it was a timely reminder from one of my friends today that made me think of what has happened over that time. It was also a timely reminder when someone called in for a reading & their significant loved ones came to talk.
Setting off with only a vision, not much money & little certainty that I could manage everything, today we talked about what good has already come out of that leap of faith. My friend reminded me of the people who had walked in to the Centre burdened & walked out floating. Of the laughter, peace & healing that had already been shared week in week out. There has been a lot of kindness, not least the generous gifts of money, furniture, time & energy from all sorts of people. There have also been tears. Often we need to give ourselves permission to grieve – not only for the loved ones we have lost, but for the loss of a job, health, friendship or opportunity. To gather strength to make the changes necessary within ourselves so that life becomes more what we wish for ourselves. And to clear the oceans of regret, bitterness or hopelessness that we find hard to shift even though they are natural emotions we all share over our lifetime.
The Centre has also been the starting point for friendships. Some lasting only a short while with others looking set to become lifelong. Being able to find your community, your tribe, people who share a point of view or life experience with you is a huge boost. I have come to understand that we are all psychic. That what I have experienced is normal when you use your psychic senses & open up to a different way of communicating. Having my experiences validated & understood by others has been very important in encouraging me to keep exploring. So the conversations that spark the friendships for our visitors have had space to happen. Their experiences have been acknowledged & they have been a part of the Tribe for as long as they have needed to be.
For whatever reason, people move on. I send them a warm wish that they find what they are searching for within themselves. The Centre will be there if they want to return to the Tribe. I also send a warm wish to the friends who are still there for me – keeping me going with laughter & light – that they too receive back all the love & compassion they have given & continue to give me.
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