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Magnus Guides
Trance Mediumship DVDs
I have added this post to let our visitors know of a selection of fantastic DVDs demonstrating trance mediumship through mediums, Colin Fry, Ron Jordon, Irene Sowter & Ray Brown.
Colin Fry's guide Magnus speaks through his medium to touch on a wide range of topics including, reincarnation, karma, transition into spirit and many more.
Below is an extract from the spiritsinc website about the videos.
Featuring mediums, Colin Fry, Ron Jordan, Ray Brown and Irene Sowter,we provide answers to the real truth behind our continual existence.
Wide ranging in their content, these spiritual productions have been made and presented in such a way as to show what is required of us on this plane of existence.
In order to realise the true meaning of why we exist on this level of our spiritual life, it is vital to acknowledge that we do actually "reap", that which we sow.
We also need to understand the process of transition to enable us to prepare, and therefore begin to be aware of not only the joys of the next world, but also of those we could be experiencing in this, our earthly incarnation.
We uncover the mysteries relating to life here and the hereafter proving conclusively that 'Life After Death', actually does exist.
Our purpose at the same time as having fun, we decided was to prove the claims of mediumship. Our role then - it followed was to establish, beyond reasonable doubt, that there is life after death. That meant dealing with facts, details, dates, specifics, and evidence in a non scientific way.
As Spirit contact is above the test-tube scrutiny it is often plagued with, it becomes clear that science being the lesser beast, hasn't quite caught up - but it will. After all, according to science, a bumble-bee shouldn't be able to fly!
There will be scepticism and opinion may vary but it is up to us as individuals to keep an open mind to accept that there may be the possibility of contacting those who have moved on to the higher life.
Having attended many demonstrations of mediumship to prove "Life After Death", I decided to record the meetings.
Spirits Inc. is about passing on this knowledge and shows you what has been achieved so far through the medium of DVD.
The "Armchair" experience will totally transform your way of thinking about life and the reason for our existence, but will also give reassurance that loved ones who have passed through the "veil" are very much alive and resident in a far superior environment.
By digesting the information available through a series of DVD's , you will be able to find information not found anywhere else including answers relating to the afterlife, Trance mediumship, healing and clairvoyance.
I hope you enjoy the web site and find the productions exciting enough that they give you lots to pass on to your friends. Please also visit the galleries and feel free to contact me regarding any queries about the web site or the videos.
Michael Courtney-Hunt
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