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The Twelve Blessings by the
Master Jesus
The Twelve Blessings is a series of beautifully designed spiritual practices delivered through the yogic mediumship of the late Founder/President of the Aetherius Society, Dr George King, by the Master Jesus.
In 1958, on twelve consecutive Sundays, George King went into a deep positive yogic trance condition, also known as Samadhi in the East, and became used as a channel so that the Master Jesus could give to Earth an extension of the teachings he gave some 2,000 years ago.
Many centuries ago the Master Jesus gave a very simple teaching to mankind so that he could understand and appreciate this. He taught mankind the importance of living correctly, of selfless service, simplicity and being at Peace with oneself and with others.
These teachings were delivered on Earth by the Master Jesus at the start of the Piscean Age - the Age of Emotion. It should have been the Age of Love, but alas mankind was not advanced enough to fully appreciate these teachings.
Now, mankind and the Planet Itself is entering the Age of Aquarius - the Age of Mind. Wisdom is the Great Potential of this current cycle of experience. It depends on mankind as whether this potential will manifest more or less fully than the last cycle of experience.
The Twelve Blessings introduce a Cosmic Appreciation to the teachings Jesus gave when on Earth. We are led from this Earth into the glorious Cosmos with it's innumerable Planets, Stars and Galaxies - into the Heart of Love - Which Is God
By a careful study and practice of the Twelve Blessings the aspirant begins to learn the Greatest Yoga, the Greatest Religion, the Greatest Practice that mankind can possibly perform in these days which is - Service.
While the Twelve Blessings is not the only spiritual practice we can perform, it is one of the most potent! It combines the the Love and Wisdom aspect of the Divine in a beautifully simple manner that all people can enjoy and more importantly Practice.
The Blessings are as follows:
The First Blessing - Blessed Are They Who Work For Peace
The Second Blessing - Blessed Are The Wise Ones
The Third Blessing - Blessed Are They Who Love
The Fourth Blessing - Blessed Are The Planetary Ones
The Fifth Blessing - Blessed Are The Thanksgivers
The Sixth Blessing - Blessed Are They Who Heal
The Seventh Blessing - Blessed Is The Mother Earth
The Eighth Blessing - Blessed Is The Mighty Sun
The Ninth Blessing - Blessed Are The Supreme Lords Of Karma
The Tenth Blessing - Blessed Is The Galaxy
The Eleventh Blessing - Blessed Are The Supreme Lords Of Creation
The Twelfth Blessing - Blessed Is The Absolute
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