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Many people will wonder having watched the likes of Dr Richard Wiseman, James Randi, Dr Chris French and the like, just why they, despite years of 'paranormal' research, never seem to find any evidence? Well, the answer is very simple; in my humble opinion they don't wish to find any. My advice to anyone wanting to appear on television in programmes with these people is don't or at least think very carefully before you do! I believe it is a road to nowhere. The truth is they will never accept the paranormal and work hard to promote its non-existence. Randi's million dollar charade is designed to have people believe he is important in the field of research, when in fact this is just an illusion. Randi has no scientific qualifications whatsoever. He is very unimportant in the field of research. Dr Matt Smith is currently known as 'the million dollar psychic' who 'was' a Sceptic that is now trying to be a 'psychic,' and aiming to win Randi's pot. Dr Matt Smith was under Dr Richard Wiseman's guidance in the not too distant past. My feeling is this can only be a made for 'television production'. Is it genuine? Many Psychics have become involved in this project including Billy Roberts and Gordon Smith. It may help to raise their profile in some way but I personally would not be involved with this project. My question to the Sceptics is this ' if you believe that there is no such thing as the 'paranormal' (I believe its all natural) just what is it you are investigating? And why has it taken some of you a lifetime of researching and finding nothing, as evidence is in abundance?' Many famous artists, poets, writers, philosophers, politicians and even scientists like Einstein believed in the occult (hidden) and with very good reason, they were Knowers!
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