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About Supercoherence and the Language of Light.
SUPERCOHERENCE is a fast and powerful brand new method for change. Increasing in popularity and creating breakthroughs that have not been readily achieved before, it is a journey of self discovery and increasing awareness, that has not been possible in this way before. Many people all around us are currently suffering from more stresses and turbulences than ever before in the 21st century, and all coming towards us at growing speeds. People are looking into how to live a better life with more joy and happiness and realizing that many older methods are not working any more. Why are so many more people looking to increase their level of happiness as never before? Why is there more stress related illness around now? Why are relationships breaking down more than ever? The answers could lie within the realms of light.
SUPERCOHERENCE is the clearing and balancing of the human bio-light energy field.
How is this possible?
The search for conscious coherence includes discovering and using emotional energy to our own advantage, in other words working for you, instead of against you. A new system has been developed, using the language of light, to enable people to neutralize old patterns of guilt and anger, shame and blame. The light frequencies are encoded with zero point energy, so that at the speed of light you have connection with the zero point field, which is the field of all possibilities. Here you can engage with the nature of the energy universe. You cannot destroy or create energy but you can change its expression. To understand this more fully we need to look into the properties of light more closely. Since the discovery of the Laser in the 1960's all the rules appertaining to light have changed. The laser is a billion times more powerful than other forms of light and the 'secret' is coherence. Let us firstly compare a 100 watt light bulb verses a 100 watt laser. Light on earth is incoherent. This means that it is omni-directional, unorganized or disordered. Incoherent light is unfocused and quite ‘ordinary’ A 100 watt light bulb will light an average sized room. The Laser however uses coherent light. This light is polarized and in phase, where the peaks and troughs of the electromagnetic waves match exactly. Coherent light is organized and in phase too. A 100 watt laser will shine a light on the moon and cut through steel! The same amount of light reorganized, as we can see, can make a phenomenal change. This information is invisible to us, similar to a film stored on DVD or information stored on a C.D. Where is it? Can you 'see' it? Not on the surface but we know it is there. Similarly, the words we speak and the thoughts we have, where are they? Can we 'see' them? No, but we know that they exist. The dice has been loaded against humans over millennia of time, loads of culture and conditioning has been stacked onto us, and, until now we have been unable to do anything about it. Now we have the breakthrough as we enter into a new Light-Energy Information Age. We have been given the master system restore button for humans.
How does It Work?
A unique and relatively undiscovered process uses encodings of light-energy and information to communicate with our human bio-light field. These encoding are loaded inside small glass containers that can be hand held or carried on your person. The bio-light field is able to read these encodings and therefore communicate as never before. By increasing the level of coherence in your bio-light energy field, in other words, engaging with your personal light matrix, they work like a silent whisperer and can do the work of realigning the 3-6 trillion cells that make up the average individual. The aim of which is to simply create coherence in the bio-light field, which results in SUPERCOHERENCE.
The one constant is that the universe is in constant change, flux, fluctuation and flow. Our energy system seeks order, and resonance prevails, similar to tuning forks aligning one with another. This all happens automatically without anyone 'seeing' anything other than the end result. These results in turn build higher levels of self- confidence, authenticity and self-esteem creating renewed vitality and wellness, happiness and function. At this level the doors of perception have been cleansed and the results are easy, elegant, effective and immediate. What makes this process different than other widely used techniques? Firstly, it is fast, safe and simple to use. It is totally non-invasive and can be used by all age groups and genders, proving to be good with animals too. Secondly, it removes the old patterns created by years of conditioning, emotional traumas and events stored in our bio-light system, so strengthening the bio-light energy field. Finally the use of frequencies and encodings of light-energy has a very direct result which is simply acquired. With coherence there are no half measures, either the system is coherent or it is not. An incoherent system is in disorder and chaos, a coherent system is clear, creative and sharp. Supercoherence is harmony, intelligence and order. Wouldn’t it be great if we could transcend the emotional bonds that tie us to the mundane, ordinary and the past and release us to be able to achieve a life that is extra-ordinary, exciting, diverse and different. In fact leaving you to live your life to your full potential and yet doing so with ease and grace. We as humans have encountered more than our fair share of emotional challenges over the years, is this the time to address these problems and could this be a new way?
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