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John says: I am a diabetic and during during the winter, my electric heating switched off one night with an electric cut, I think I became comatose whilst asleep. I had what I think was a near-death experience because my family couldn't wake me in the morning and I need an emergency revival. However, I remembered going through a heavy ornate door and into what looked like a cathedral with a very deep carpet under my feet. At the altar end, there were angels and a choir. It was really wonderful. I wanted to stay there but was revived. Do you think I died or was it just a dream? John K
There is a transition phase from earthly life to the Afterlife and this is often described by pe
ople who are resuscitated after death, sometimes as a tunnel with a light at the end or a bridge crossing where friends and relatives are seen on the other side, a doorway or entrance of some kind. Your entrance to the cathedral sounds as though it could have been the entrance to the Afterlife, especially as there were angels at the altar end. If you were dreaming, it was a lucid glimpse of the spirit world. Personally, I think you gained a moment of witnessing the Afterlife and you know now there is nothing to fear only to look forward to. It is a privilege many are not given and it was given to you to tell us all about it. Thank you for reporting this interesting experience, John.
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