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My Story - My view on science and consciousness in action

By:Barbara Neville
Date: Mon,03 Jun 2024
Submitter:barbara Neville

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My Story: My view on science and consciousness in action:
I have been downloaded with old beliefs on all aspects of fear, life, and death, and it had always been a ‘put down’, now I am becoming my true self, I am deleting the old stuff and giving myself a new set of rules that are being directed by my soul-self.

I felt that I needed to find myself for the first time in my life, see things from my truth, not anyone else’s, and I wanted to know a bit more about the quantum theory, so I read books again.
In the book by Deepak Chopra called ‘Synchrony Destiny, ‘Deepak says to start with, I ask myself the questions, about who am I? Where am I? And why am I here?
These words will stop my thoughts going to the hard wiring of the neurons in the brain and start the process of changing my beliefs and opinions, the ones I have been given since I was born, I have been acting in ways that have been given until I ask… Who am I? Where am I? What am I here for? What is the soul of my individual existence?

Some answers about the quantum domain:
Deepak Chopra explains the three levels of reality, the first level of reality is the physical one, at this level we experience all things solid, and experience positive and negative emotions and feelings through our human nervous system via our five senses, it is our physical or material, visible universe.

These experiences: are our reality and they give us a multitude of information, that is set in our memory and our spiritual body.

The next level of reality is what Deepak calls the quantum domain.
In this level we cannot touch it: it is our mind, thoughts and sense of self, there is no solid reality about these, but we know that we have real thoughts, and our feelings are defiantly real.

It is called quantum mechanics; our brains cannot process this micro world directly, but we know it’s there and that it makes up all the things we can see, as our physical reality world.
The quantum level is where atoms are made up of subatomic particles; it’s where our physical reality, begins to form, it’s not solid at all; it is waves, or what scientists call, packets of information and energy, every solid thing is made up of these waves and packets of energy and information in the form of light.
The next level, Deepak calls the non-local domain; he says, it consists of intelligence or consciousness.
It is called the virtual or spiritual domain. ‘A field of potential’, as quoted by David Bohn, or the universal non-local intelligence.

It’s called non-local because it cannot be found anywhere, it simply is.
It’s in all places at the same time and operates beyond space and time, this level is more refined, than the atomic quantum level that the double slit experiments talk about.

At this virtual level of energy, we can, and do, change energy from one type into another by observing it.
This is the level I need to access; to change my hard wiring, this domain is the omnipresence of energy that underlays all of our realities and everything, this potential energy is at the very base of the energy tree. Physicists are trying to prove this.

Deepak says, ‘the reason we can’t see the quantum domain, is because it moves at the speed of light and as physical beings, we are unable to see it because our perception is to slow, and it’s our brain that creates our visual references in life, like a tree or a car.
It’s like the flickering frames of a film, each bit is separate, but it moves so quick it looks like its continuous.
This is the view of neuron physicist’s and ancient text and many spiritual teachers.

There is no set reality:
One step beyond our physical body, is our spiritual energy that radiates out from us.
We can feel this energy and we can sense other people’s energy, and, in this way, we know, there is a connection, we know, it’s real.

Vibrations and frequencies and waves:
It’s these that makes the difference between a brick and a blade of grass giving the object its appearance and dimensions, the energy in the waves have different kinds of information that is set by its frequency, this creates what we see, feel, touch and smell.

It’s our visual centres in the brain, receiving information from these frequencies that uses all our memory and beliefs, to create the picture, of the two different objects. The brain reads the frequency and then it gives us the picture that we know to be a flower or table in our reality.

Karl Primbram and David Bohn, and many other scientists have concluded, that without the visual centres in our brains, all we would be able to see is an interference pattern.

Reading through this story I said to myself. “I am not afraid of things now; I understand about the circle of life and death, and I do not fear it.
I am beginning to feel free in my mind, thinking and heart, I understand that we are much more than our physical body, and we can alter everything about it if we desire to.

The psychology of the human brain and the way we are all conditioned from birth, to live our life to the rules of the society’s needs started to break down in my thoughts.

And then we have the media that feeds our ego through constant entertainments, bombarding us with the things outside of our thoughts, so that we have no time to go inwards and feel our own love for oneself in a comprehensive reasoning manner.

We are all here on earth living the life, and we must comply with what is expected of us.
I carried on...
We can choose what we want to look at and decide if we want to use any of the props in this life that are given as a need.
It’s very freeing to know that I can say yes; I want a car, to get from ‘A’ to ‘B’ and yes! I do like watching programmes on the many TV entertainments channels that I choose; and buy the nice clothes and eat the best food.
But I never lost sight that these are my choices and IF they are not available to me easily then there is something else that I am to create and experience.

More science:
Our physical body’s function, on a very narrow band, of the frequency scale, physically we can’t see anything, that moves out of that band, but we can sense all the energy, because we are connected.

Everything we see in our physical life is a display of energy and information, we are in this energy soup, as small chunks of energy information, all bumping into each other and as we are all part of it, we do’ respond to this interaction in some ways.

Because we are all bumping into each other, we are passing information, between us in the same way that atoms with membranes, passes information by touching each other. We can feel, it when we walk into a room where there’s tension or in a church, where we can feel the gentle peace.

Quantum physics is showing the deep centre of our physical world, is completely non-physical. It can be called information, probability, wave, consciousness, or spirit.
“If atoms are the real stuff, that forms a rock and its real, then this underlying field of intelligence is real as well”.

I guess you might wonder how, this can help us change our physical world. There are many methods set up to help us do it; it’s the practice of mindfulness, focused concentration, intuition, and lots of imagination to start expanding our vision on these matters, imagination is real, and it can be used along with intuition, and thoughts to start to open our understanding.
It’s not hard to do, it’s giving yourself the time to sit quietly, within yourself, for 10 minutes a day, and focus within.

World of Reality:
Understanding these energy fields, might lead you to look deep within yourself, to find the true being that you are, this will give you insights, that will lead you to wanting to do more sitting quietly, consciously breathing and going into the quiet space within, connecting to your physical body, knowing it is a housing that functions, so that your spirit/soul can be on the earth plane, learn to feel your body, then to feel your spirit/soul, by mindful focus.

You might start to see that your thoughts and emotions are not serving you; maybe you need to let them go, change them, change your reality of them, and replace them, with new positive ones, change the hard wiring in your brain and change your reality.
When doing the focused concentration, the frontal lobes of the brain light up, it is a skill that needs to be practiced.
Having a bit of understanding about our world, and how we work on the deeper level of life, like the quantum and virtual energies does seem to help.
I used Dr Jo Dispenza book called ‘How to lose our mind and create a new one’ to start changes, he says, we need to learn to master the art of concentration, focusing on a single-minded thought with mindful focus.

There are other ideas of reality, the more scientific ones, there is a standard model of energy and matter, that is a good theory, but it is not complete, then there is math’s, my understanding of this is limited. Amanda Gefter says, “the fact that the natural world can be described so precisely, by math is telling us something profound”.
How can it be, that mathematics, knew about the Higgs particle, a long time before it was found physically?
Brian Green physicist says,” maybe it’s because math is reality”. It could be that physical objects like rocks are basically made up of numbers.
Quote “If reality isn’t at the bottom mathematics what is?” Maybe someday we’ll encounter an alien civilization, and we’ll show them what we’ve discovered about the universe,” Green says. “They’ll say ‘Ah, math, we tried that it only takes you so far. Here’s the real thing. What would that be? It’s hard to imagine.

Our understanding of fundamental reality is at an early stage.”
Another theory is the universe as a quantum computer, at the GEO600 gravitational wave detector in Hanover in 2008 they found an anomalous signal that suggests that space-time is pixelated, and this is what would be expected in a holographic universe.
Could our reality be the same as the image of princess Leila projected in the Star Wars hologram or are we on the holodeck on the Star ship Enterprise. ?

Fast forwards to 2024…
The previous writing was one of the first that presented to me the deeper understanding of how life is, I thought it is something for the very clever people who understood science and not for me, I can read about it, understand it, but thought that I could never be able to really appreciate it in my life and the real world, my world.

Since then I have learnt and progressed a lot and have worked on my own inner self to clear the way for the new age of Aquarius energy to filter into my mind, soul and heart, and open me to the deeper appreciation of the universal knowledge, and I have used the open focus meditation to gain and recognise of how to access these deep energise and use then in the life I am living.
New Paradigm: 2024
The new paradigm is that everything is real, not just the things I can see; my thoughts, and my gut feelings, imagination, feelings, emotions, intuition, dreams, spirit, creator, virtual domain all of it is real, and I can use these as tools to help me to get a deeper understanding of where my journey is taking me.

Everything I receive through these inner fields of knowledge are there to be recognised as I sign post showing how I can take our next step.

When I get an imagined picture or thought of something in my head, I remember it and ask what it has been given for, I ponder on it, then either use it or dismiss it according to what the interpretation is.

Gut feelings are there to be listened to before deciding to act on it or not, I do not dismiss it quickly, it’s better to become conscious of the guidance that might be recognised.

As an emotion rises within, think about where it has come from, and does it need dealing with in an understanding manner instead of just ignoring it and hoping that it will just go away.

Dreams can have a very active part to play in life, it is not always the imagery of a dream but more the feeling that comes with the images, are they positive or not, are they with love or hate, what this is showing… is it something to become conscious of in life, relationship, work, and inspiration.

These inner energies are fields of energy that can be utilised to sign post us on our journey, we have been taught to think of them as not being relevant and they are meaningless, but this is misconception given from the old-world view, to become conscious of these is an aquarian age forward thinking to create a more compatible life stye.

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