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Find your Goddess Archetype
Below there is a list of Goddesses for you to choose the ancient Greek deity to encourage certain elements within you. You can find behavioural patterns that match yours in the Goddess list. You may also find personalities that you connect with on a deeper level so as you become your own inner god and goddess.
If you are looking for self esteem, self confidence, having a more spiritual out look, finding your inner voice, becoming more homely, loving, family orientated, money making or career orientated why not use these archetypes to create change within you.
If your life is created with but a single thought and thoughts can be changed then start to think about the following Goddess energy that you need to invoke to help change your life in the way you want to.
Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty.
Artemis: Goddess of the moon, fertility, children.
Athena: Goddess of wisdom..
Dione: prophesy Goddess.
Eris: chaos Goddess.
Gaia Goddess of the Earth.
Hera: Goddess of family and marriage. She is the wife of Zeus.
Hecate: Goddess of magic / spells .
Nike: Victory Goddess.
Selene: The original moon goddess.
Archangel Ariel is with you helping you invoke these qualities
Ariel: Lioness Archangel: Helps with qualities of bravery & courage. Encouraging self-confidence & manifestation. Ariel helps teachers, healers, protects the environment. She works closely with nature spirits to heal animals in and near the water. Ariel is here to he

Tiffany Wardle
lp with your life’s mission.
Ariel: Read the archetypes above carefully. There are more Goddesses, yes. You may have been drawn to an Egyptian or Roman Goddess from years ago. But look at the qualities of the Goddesses above and with with courage imagine the Goddess now.
Pick one Goddess. Close your eyes and see her. How do you see her? Beautiful? Standing tall and elegant? Strong and courageous? Motherly and loving?
Listen to your self as you describe her in your mind. Know that I am with you helping you complete your mission of invoking this energy today. Feel my presence as you get butterflies in your stomach, know this is your gut instinct working.
There is no wrong answer here, you are just putting a personality to a list of names. You are making the Goddess energy more real to you. When you can describe her in your mind then start to feel her with you. See her walk. How does she stand? Can you hear her speak. Whar is she saying to you ? What feeling does she give you? Is there a message for you from the Goddess energy with you today?
You may only resonate with one Goddess your whole life. You may incorporate all of the Greek, Egyptian & Roman Gods & Goddesses at different phases through your life this is up to you but know you are feeling her now.
Ask her what she needs you to know, I am helping you with this just call my name to feel me and know I am there. Keep part of her with you when you need courage. You may want to have her picture or her name close to you as a reminder. Feel her always.
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