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Matt Chase
... This valuable guide is fantastic for beginners but also great as a reminder to experienced practitioners...
Meditation isn’t just about calming the mind and achieving enlightenment (I say ‘Just’ with tongue-in-cheek!) – and it does not, absolutely, require you to be religious or spiritual.
Meditation can be simply used as a relaxation exercise. Ruby Wax uses ‘Mindfulness Training’ or ‘Mindfulness’ to manage depression. Mindfulness is simply meditation.
It is simply about being PRESENT*.
Start simple – watch the breath. Notice what the air entering and leaving the nostrils feels like – this is meditation!
Notice the feeling of the warm water as you wash your dishes really experience the bubbles popping against your skin – this is meditation!
Walk slowly, very slowly and intentionally – this is meditation!
The physiological effects of meditation have been scientifically proven in many cases to reduce stress and improve emotional and mental health - so let's start easy peasy 123...
Try the above meditations - Yep, they ARE meditation practices...
...and I'll get back to you for your next step.
Matt Chase
*WARNING - Presence can seriously improve your health!'
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