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Daphne Whitehouse Biography
Daphne has run self development workshops, study days and courses for 18 years and holds qualifications as a Louise Hay Teacher & Personal Coach, Metaphysical Tutor and Counsellor, NLP Practitioner, Reiki & Seichem Master & Teacher, Bowen Therapist, Meridian Therapist EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Advanced Practitioner of EMF Balancing Technique (Electro-magnetic Field) and she is also a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking. She has run workshops on such subjects as You Can Heal Your Life, Manifesting, Anger, Relationships, The Inner Child and Forgiveness. Daphne also hosts The Spiritual Cinema Club which shows uplifting and inspiring films. She came to this work as a result of suffering from depression herself so she knows what it feels like to feel blocked and unhappy. She had counselling and then joined a support group for about five years so she had plenty of time to shed her past difficulties and to learn group facilitation skills. I was invited by Daphne to attend an Inner Child workshop in July this year. The day began with a warm welcome from Daphne and the group which comprised of four women and two men, all of whom were eager to get in touch with, and heal the inner child that lies, often forgotten, within each of us. With the use of exercises, guided meditations, questionnaires and art work, we explored the memories of our childhood in order to bring insight, awareness and resolution to many of the ways in which we failed to be heard when we were a young child. Whilst looking back over the course of a childhood, everyone discovers times of hardship and unhappiness. It is very useful to have Daphne's good facilitation in this safe space, in order to allow long forgotten memories to resurface and find expression. Daphne has recorded a CD which is available and explains how our upbringing can affect our personality and how we can identify our needs and transform our negative patterns. Daphne says "I am a true believer in the philosophy of Louise L. Hay and in metaphysics in general. I believe it is extremely important to work with our Inner Child and release the negative emotions from the past and find healing. In this way, we can move forward and release many of potentials that are available to each of us. Also I believe it is important to uncover the negative beliefs we created as children and to replace them with positive beliefs. I have gained a wealth of experience throughout my life. I can look back now and see why I went through many experiences and how each one brought me to the point in my life where I could become open to new ways of understanding and thinking." Daphne believes we need to learn to understand and love ourselves first, then, in turn, we can understand and love others. She believes life is a mystery for us to unravel. She explains one of the hurdles she has overcome. "A couple of years ago, I travelled to Sri Lanka, then on to India and Nepal. Due to an emergency, my travelling companion flew home and I continued with the planned journey. I flew from Delhi to Chennai (previously Madras), then to Bangalore, back to Sri Lanka, and then home. During this time, I faced old fears that I might get lost and board the wrong plane, and, being in a foreign country, if I got lost, would be unable to communicate with the local people in English. While I was waiting in Chennai airport, I found a book shop and saw a book called 'Living With The Himalayan Masters' by Swami Rama. One sentence jumped out at me, ''to become enlightened, we must overcome all our fears''. Well, I had confronted mine on that trip!" Daphne embarked upon another challenge of walking a 110 mile pilgrimage from Assisi to Rome where she successfully raised £2,000 for Swami Atmachaithanya, who provides free medical treatment and food for elderly people and children in Kerala, Southern India, and also for One Life, a charity run by Elena Utton, which helps children in South Africa. She considers one of her greatest life challenges occurred when she was 14 years old. At this time she was attending college and also running the 80 acre family farm by herself. Daphne has written a book "From Hollywood to Here" and her next challenge is to get it published. What would Daphne do if she were Prime Minister? "My policy would be to get self development classes and the work of Louise Hay on the school programme. For children to be taught to love themselves and that nothing is impossible to achieve. I would make it compulsory for parents to have tuition on how to love and understand their children on an unconditional basis and to encourage their children to go for what they want to do in life and not put restrictions and limitations on them. I think the problems on our streets would be solved if children were brought up in this manner.
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Daphne Whitehouse was interviewed in July 08
by Wendy Stokes
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