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Integrating the Divine
Avatar Movie and Hindu Mythology
Well it’s not surprising that Avatar The Movie has hit the all time success as it portrays the picture of a cosmic nature.
First of all the word ‘Avatar’ is Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, in which much of India’s literature was written.
Meaning of the word ‘Avatar’ is a ‘Descendent’. However, here it is not just any descendant. Avatars are highly evolved beings that are not from the human but God form as they have transcended eons ago. In Hinduism, Vishnu forms part of the Trinity about Creation. He is the Preserver and therefore his descendants come with a special mission in life. They come to instil appropriate knowledge and effect change.
The colour ‘Blue’ is used to depict ‘the infinite nature of Brahman’ (Supreme Spirit, because blue is the colour of the sky, ether and divinity) that is manifested through Avatars. Hence the reason, pictures of Avatars such as Rama and Krishna are blue.
However, human consciousness evolving over time had begun to lose a lot of knowledge and it was beginning to be kept a secret as power and control issues had begun to arise as the moving away from the Golden and Silver Age began to occur. People began to lose their connections with the Divine and each other.
So then, the ninth Avatar Buddha came to show people how to find the divinity again and become their own masters through self enlightenment. Yet still the ignorance continued to grow, and therefore, according to Hindu Mythology, one more Avatar called Kalki will come during what is now the transformation age, from kul-Yuga to the return of the Golden Age.
We are on the return back to this hence the rise in spiritual growth and understanding. It is not surprising that such a film has been manifested through James Cameron to give such a huge message.
So let’s look at the film itself.
It uses the concept of the Avatar, a person who is assumed as a normal human being. He is called to partake in something that his brother was going to do, not realising that this was part of the divine plan anyway, as the divine calling will use whatever means it needs to. So Jake, the ex-marine goes along and begins to follow the intended ‘human plan’ which seems fine to start with.
He is enclosed in a box creating complete darkness for periods of time. This takes him into altered states of consciousness, (Hindu’s having been doing this since ancient times through the practice of meditation).
Over time the journey that he experiences in the spiritual form is so enlightening and expansive where he feels ‘whole’ and ‘at one with the universe’, is part of him having a spiritual awakening and realising the divine truth. Now, there is no turning back. He can only go forwards.
The awakening process, teaches him to harmonize with nature, with different peoples, of cultures and traditions, as he realizes all are one and from the same source.
The challenges he faces and undergoes are a test of his divinity vs his ego consciousness. Will he continue with courage on his mission, or will he be influenced by the fears of the negative, tunnel vision people?
By taking up his role of the ‘spiritual warrior’ he passes all the tests and eventually he achieves the liberation and freedom from bondage which is a three dimensional reality. He loses his three dimensional being (where his breath is breathed into the blue body which is his divine self, here he has earned the keys to the kingdom of heaven.) Some may understand this ascending journey as ‘Christ Consciousness’, or ‘Cosmic Consciousness’.
In the fifth dimension reality that he moves through to is also where you meet your twin soul, the other half of your soul that was split at the early creation. That is why in the film, the relationship did not fully balance out until he had surrendered, allowed his heart to open and transform in the fourth dimension, then from liberation became the totality of the fifth dimension a Oneness. Here is also the colour of blue and the true reality as it is.
This union is the ultimate balance of the masculine and feminine in the divine sense and the union work together for their communities and the planet. The emphasis is on ‘serving the planet’. This is what Avatar Jake’s mission was, to save the people and their lands that were being destroyed by lower dimensional beings due to their ignorance and the inability to see beyond that.
In the film, the destroying of the tree and the people’s is a strong message of what we are doing to our planet and how we must all join together to do our part to revive and restore all that has been lost. The planet, Mother earth is worshipped in the film as Eywa.
“Treat the earth well: It was not given to you by your parent; it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our Ancestors: we borrow it from or children.” - Native American Indian Wisdom
“We are part of the earth and it is part of us” ~ Chief Seattle
It is visionary for Light workers that the Years 2008-2012 are significant years for mass awakenings of human’s to begin to shift their levels of consciousness. This year 2010, is an important year for creating the true reality that we want to live and next year will be about another shift of awakening into that reality.
(Please read previous newsletter on 2010 and look out for the next issue where I will explain a little more on the awakening process).
Workshop on: becoming your own Avatar, by tapping into this dimensional consciousness of the Trinity.
Now if we come back to the present day and look at the chaos and unrest that is going on in the world, it is time to be your own Avatar. A descendant, from the One Source of Creation, working towards Oneness.
“The purpose of the Heart is to know yourself, to be yourself and yet one with God.” ~ Edgar Cayce
The Vedic Sutras have given us a powerful Story (Khata), about the reality of truth and you can tap into this powerful dimension by a special prayer, ritual and trance. This is done with precision of certain things that are contained and is something that an initiated yogi like me can perform and take you through.
The actual Story (Khata) is spoken in Sanskrit language; knowledge of this is not important as it’s the connection into your sub-conscious through trance and ultimately connecting to the 8th chakra.
You will go into the trance at your own pace and to your own level; all you do is meditate on the powerful words of the story.
“The flowing of love is Meditation” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
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